The Advent School

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Courageous Conversations at the Collaborative

The Advent School Collaborative is a day-long conference exploring progressive, Reggio-inspired, socially just teaching and learning.

The Collaborative's theme is Courageous Conversations: Why Talking with Children Matters. You'll hear from a panel of early childhood, elementary, and higher education educators on the importance of having meaningful conversations with children on topics related to identity, diversity, and justice. Advent's head of school, Nicole A. DuFauchard, will moderate the discussion.

After the morning panel discussion, you'll participate in interactive workshops at Advent's main campus building. You will visit classrooms and talk with teachers to deepen your learning. Join us as we engage in courageous conversations together!


  • Dr. Keith Jones (he/him) Lecturer, Africana Studies, UMass Boston

  • Marie Enochty (she/her) Program Manager, Boston Public Schools' Early Childhood Department

  • Tanya Nixon-Silberg (she/her) Founder, Lead Facilitator, Little Uprisings

  • Ivonne Ortega (she/her) Program Coordinator, Peabody Terrace Children's Center

  • Dr. Tony Van Der Meer (he/him) Senior Lecturer, Africana Studies, UMass Boston