Leveling Up: Advent's Commitment to Teacher Growth
The Advent School sets itself apart by fostering a mentorship and leadership culture that ensures every teacher's continued growth, especially those new to the Advent community.
Advent’s Robotics Team
Join us in celebrating Advent's Robotics Team for their hard work and dedication to solving this year's First Lego Leagues arts-inspired competition, Masterpiece.
Reflections from PoCC
Marlene Boyette, Advent's yoga and mindfulness teacher, and facilitator of Advent’s Students of Color Affinity Group, shares her reflections on PoCC 2023.
AI Observations in TechTalk After-School Class
Third through Sixth Grade students enrolled in the TechTalk after-school class recently explored the possibilities of AI.
Elephant’s Toothpaste
Advent's Fourth Grade archaeologists are learning about different means of preservation.