Talking about Race at Home
An Advent Piazza event
Over the weekend Advent, hosted Sandra "Chap" Chapman and Rachel Godsil from Chap Equity to facilitate a conversation with the adults in our community. They discussed how we can move towards more authentic cross-racial conversations and healthy parent/caregiver relationships.
Parents and caregivers listened to Dr. Chap and Rachel Godsil before breaking into smaller groups for more discussion
Racial, ethnic, and cultural identities are key components of a person's development. A complete understanding of one's identity positively impacts our daily interactions with others. Dr. Ali Michael claims that racial identity is not just another tool; it's the toolbox.
In addition to a personal, racial narrative, attendees explored a phenomenon that gets in the way of authentic conversations and relationships across identity differences - Identity Anxiety - the stress response linked to cross-group interactions. Participants delved into why this anxiety is often particularly acute when related to race. Racial anxiety can affect inter-group dynamics, creating obstacles to relationship building. The discussion included the science of racial anxiety and, most critically, the interventions that can reduce its effects.
Little Uprisings (LU) provided child care during the event. A special guest presenter from LU hosted the interactive workshop: Rights, Justice, Action: How to be an Antiracist Kid.
We value and create space for all forms of family partnership and participation at The Advent School. The Advent Piazza is the space where families connect, learn, and participate in school life. There are many ways families can participate in the Advent Piazza community space.