Family Voices: Sharing Advent Experiences
“For my family, it wasn't about public versus private. It was about Advent versus all other schools.”
“Advent delivers socially conscious, emotionally nurturing education that helped our child mature into a thoughtful, empathetic young adult.”
“I think of Advent as a school embedded in the community and city, with a mission to create student leaders who will help to improve their home communities further.”
“Advent empowers students to be active in their community and education by giving them the tools to explore all facets of their identity.”
Lionhearted Learner’s Blog
Fourth Grade students at The Advent School spent the fall researching and investigating ancient Egypt, artifacts, and archaeology as part of their classroom theme.
It was a joyful morning at the Third Grade Publishing Party! Students shared their personal narratives — about hikes, pets, trips to the beach, rollercoaster dramas and epic sleepovers. The pride students had in their writing growth and creativity was wonderful to see.
We are thrilled to share some exciting news! The Advent School won prestigious awards in the Boston Family Favorites competition for Best Private Independent Elementary School! Not only that, we placed in the Top Ten for Best Independent Preschools.