We are focused on helping your child reach their full academic potential.

For over 60 years, The Advent School has been part of a larger movement in education. Our approach to teaching and learning is the future of education and what a school could be.

Engaging Students Through Thematic Learning

Thematic learning is the foundation of the Advent experience. By integrating subjects within an overarching theme, students build knowledge, ask questions, and develop academic skills far beyond their grade level. Literacy and mathematics skills develop alongside social justice concepts, such as identity, community, perspective, and independence. Students construct ideas and theories based on authentic experiences, observations, and research.

Project-Based Learning

Project-based work at Advent fosters a holistic understanding of the curriculum by allowing students to explore ideas and concepts through interdisciplinary, real-world experiences. It integrates writing, reading, science, and math as tools for exploration and uses art, music, language, and movement as means for students to express their knowledge and beliefs.

Guided By Student Inquiry With Teachers As Facilitators

Our grade-specific curriculum blends curricular content with your children's everyday questions and observations, driving discussions and explorations guided by our teachers, shaping our dynamic thematic approach.

Committed to Social Justice

Advent’s commitment to social justice takes many forms throughout the curriculum. Big ideas within social justice, such as identity, diversity, and perspective, are brought to life in the overarching theme and guiding questions for each grade level.

Assessment Driven Approach

Teachers utilize ongoing assessments to enhance students' grasp of essential concepts and abilities, making assessment an integral part of the instructional process. They gather and analyze data from various sources, including observations, discussions, and student work, to gain profound insights into students' academic profiles, interests, motivations, and learning preferences.

Focused on the Whole Child

The Advent School is dedicated to teaching the whole child. We balance our students’ social-emotional and academic needs, which evolve as children progress on their journey from the Early Childhood Center through Sixth Grade. Advent teachers know their students well and are empowered to respond to all aspects of each student’s development.

Download our curriculum guide to discover our grade-level curriculum and themes!